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Chronic Care Management’s Role in Breast Cancer Detection
At ChartSpan, breast cancer awareness month is more than just pink outfits and ribbons. We understand the best way to tackle breast cancer head-on is through early detection. That is why as part of our chronic care management program, we conduct regular breast cancer screenings to make sure patients are scheduling and attending their mammograms.
When our Clinicians speak to patients, they conduct breast cancer screenings by using medical records to identify patients overdue for mammograms and asking patients if they have received a mammogram recently. If not, we educate patients on the importance of regular mammograms. We discuss the personal risk level for breast cancer with our patients, especially if there is a family history of the disease.
We assist patients by helping them schedule appointments for mammograms with the appropriate provider. Once the patient has received her mammogram, we request the records to keep all information updated in the patient’s chart.
A mammogram can show changes within the breast up to two years before a physician or patient can feel them.* Mammograms don’t prevent breast cancer, but they can save lives by finding breast cancer through early detection.
"You saved my life."
Those were the words of a ChartSpan patient, Nora.
A ChartSpan Clinician named Anna spoke with Nora this spring. As she progressed through her protocols she engaged the patient about her preventative health. Nora admitted she had not gotten a mammogram in years. Anna encouraged her and told her she would notify her practice and get her an appointment for a mammogram.
Fast forward to summertime. Nora called in to ChartSpan’s care line to tell us that during the mammogram they found something suspicious. Her doctor ordered a biopsy and found cancer. Thankfully, the cancer was caught in time and Nora’s prognosis is good.
During a call with Nora, she asked to be put in contact with Anna. She wanted to tell her, "Thank you for saving my life."
This story is a perfect example of the power of the chronic care management program and the impact each of ChartSpan’s clinicians has in the lives of our patients. For more information on how we can help your patients, click here.
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