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The Solution to Remote Patient Monitoring’s Fatal Flaw That All Providers Should Know About
You may have read our 2020 blog on the challenges of Medicare’s remote patient monitoring program. Since the article was published, it has sparked numerous conversations with healthcare providers, executives, and RPM vendors themselves. We all see the value that remote patient monitoring programs provide: collecting real-time patient data to help providers monitor their at-risk patients from afar. The program has the potential to make significant headway toward improved patient outcomes and lower readmissions. Unfortunately, Medicare claims data shows that there are only about 30,000 enrolled and active patients during any given month. That’s less than one-then of one percent of all eligible Medicare patients. So how can we face the challenges of RPM to encourage higher participation? Simple, we need to be better at compelling patients and getting them enrolled in this valuable value-based care program.
One of the most difficult aspects of Chronic Care Management, and Remote Patient Monitoring, is getting patients to join the program. This is difficult for several reasons:
- Providers typically do not have time to identify eligible patients, perform outreach, and encourage them to join. Nor do they have time to manage patient churn as new patients are eligible.
- Providers do not have the resources to provide multi-channel marketing and campaigns that educate their patients about the program
- Providers do not have the technological infrastructure to record all calls, perform quality audits, and document consent
Over the years, ChartSpan’s Consent and Enroll operation has mastered these hurdles and consistently achieves 305% higher patient enrollment and engagement in CCM compared to the industry average. With adjusted messaging and nearly the same workflow, the same operation can be applied to assist RPM programs across the country. As a result, ChartSpan now offers RPM Enrollment-as-a-Service (EaaS), enrollment services specific to remote patient monitoring.
Who can use RPM EaaS?
ChartSpan offers its RPM Enrollment-as-a-Service to several entities. Practices and hospitals that are currently running or starting an RPM program can partner with ChartSpan to handle the enrollment portion of their program. Once patients are enrolled, ChartSpan passes along those patients’ names with their documented consent to the practice or hospital. From there, the practice or hospital’s clinical staff handles the remainder of the program. Likewise, RPM EaaS is available to RPM product, software or service vendors who would like to outsource their consent and enrollment operations.
Is RPM EaaS specific to disease state or specialty?
ChartSpan’s enrollment services can be tailored to any type of RPM program. With each customer, we discuss in detail the specifics of their program so that we can create custom messaging and marketing campaigns. Common programs monitor vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate, or blood sugar in patients, but we can customize any health data associated with a CPT code. In addition, our professional enrollment staff is thoroughly trained to be able to speak to patients’ questions about their specific chronic disease and corresponding medical device.
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